Monday 29 April 2013


Origami is the traditional Japanese art of paper folding, which started in the 17th century AD at the latest and was popularized outside of Japan in the mid-1900s. It has since then evolved into a modern art form.
  • The goal of this art is to transform a flat sheet of paper into a finished sculpture through folding and sculpting techniques.

Over the spring break, I wanted create origami Lotus flowers that was inspired by one of the Eight Auspicious Symbols and one of the most poignant representations of Buddhist teaching.

I found this video that helped me make these Lotus Flowers. And it is easy to follow to the Instructions :)

Stencil Graffiti Art

Stencil Graffiti Art :)

        The process of stenciling involves applying paint across a stencil to form an image on a surface below. Sometimes multiple layers of stencils are used on the same image to add colors or create the illusion of depth.
        The desired design is cut out of the selected medium and then the image is transferred to a surface through the use of spray paint or roll-on paint.

Different Artists that make Stencil Art:
  • Blek - France
  • Alexandre Orion - Brazil
  • l.e.t. - Germany
  • s0t - Iran
  • Erykah Badu - France
  • Alto Contraste - Brazil
  • C215 - France

Multi-layered Stencil On Canvas: ( not my video)

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Relief Sculpture

Relief sculptures are the projection of figures or forms from a flat background, as in sculpture, or the apparent projection of such shapes in a painting or drawing.

There are different types of relief sculptures in the world.
  • Bas-relief or low relief
  • High relief
  • Sunken relief
  • Counter-relief

Bas reliefs or low relief
       This type of of relief is a projecting image with a shallow overall depth, for example used on coins, on which all images are in low relief. 
       Bas relief is created either by carving away material or adding material to the top of an otherwise smooth surface.

For example, I made a Pucca & Garu bas relief for my class art project. The stuff that I used for this project are acrylic paint, cardboard, ribbons and paper flowers.

High relief
High relief is the same thing as low relief but the things depicted are closer to being fully 3D than in low relief.
Sunken relief
The image is made by cutting the relief sculpture itself into a flat surface.
Where an image is fully modeled in a "negative" manner. The image goes into the surface, so that when impressed on wax it gives an impression in normal relief.

Friday 19 April 2013

Human Art

While searching on the internet for how to make skeleton props, I came across this picture that looked interesting. At first I thought the sculpture was made out different art materials but as I searched for the person who created this, Dr.Gunther Von Hagens. He is a German anatomist who invented the technique for preserving human bodies with the process called plastination. His work is fascinating and on the website it says 36 million people throughout the world have visited BODY WORLDS exhibitions.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Japanese Artists

There are a lot of interesting and unique Japanese artists. And these are some artists that inspire me to create my own art.

Takashi Murakami - Contemporary artist, and created the Superflat art movement (blend between high art and anime). People who love anime, manga and cute bizarre characters can easily fall in love with his art work. Takashi has wonderful taste in colors that explodes into his master pieces.

 Shintaro Kago - Guro & Sci-Fi manga artist. His art work is extremely bizarre, cruel, and funny if read or seen his mangas. But Kago's art is really eye catching due to the disturbing, colorful, and busy images he creates.

Tomizaki Nori - Contemporary artist, his unique and fascinating style of the 3D illustrations is collecting the highest reviews in the editorial material and in personal and group exhibitions.
(Source: Gothic Lolita Punk Book)
Nori's art gives out a gloomy, scary, creepy and Lolita feeling to his viewers.